Take Smart Notes


I learned about this from the following youtube url: How to Take Smart Notes


  1. Notes structures other's thoughts into your own
  2. Question-Evidence-Conclusion structure
  3. Stand-alone Atomic notes
  4. Seperate each QEC into their own notes then link them together zettelkasten-style
  5. Note Compass

    North Where x Comes from Concept Name / Chapter Title
    West What's Similar to x Analogy
    East What's opposite to x Competing Idea or Negative Thinking
    South Where x leads to Applications of this concept


  • Integrates well with ultralearning
  • Using those 3 categories as types for notes is interesting
  • I need to think about how to adapt the compass idea, especially with the zigzag structure and my concept of the competency levels
  • Need to think about how to integrate this with org-roam

Author: Keshav Italia (keshavitalia0@gmail.com)


Emacs 29.1 (Org mode 9.6.6)
